About Greg Dennis


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For as long as I can remember, sales have been a big part of my life. 

My dad’s a salesman and I still remember the two of us setting up book sales together on the streets of Manhattan when I was growing up. 

When I moved to New Jersey, the first thing I did was get a paper route and knock on doors to shovel driveways until the sun went down.

I was always hustling and trying new things.

In college, I was a doorman, a waiter, a camp counselor, a poker player, and a librarian. 

I never loved school, but I always knew I wanted to make a good living.

Once I graduated I started looking for ways to make some money without going into debt for expensive degrees or slowly climbing the ladder of corporate America.

That doesn’t leave too many options. 

Fast forward 20 twenty years and I've sold it all - from teeth whitener, to advertising, to high ticket marketing and coaching programs. 

I’ve sold services and products. I’ve sold for myself, and I’ve sold for others. 

I’ve closed millions of dollars in deals over the course of my career, and more through the teams I’ve trained.

None of this is to brag or imply that I was a natural when I started out.

In fact, I was far from it. 

I’d call people and hope they wouldn’t answer. I’d get stood up for appointments. I’d hear the same objections over and over again and not know how to handle it. 

It was tough, but looking back now I’m glad it happened that way. 

I stuck with it and started talking to people who were better than me, seeking out mentors, and dedicating myself to studying things like marketing, mindset, persuasion, and copywriting. 

As time went on I began to notice more patterns, gain reference points, and develop my own philosophy. 

A philosophy based on situational awareness, emotional intelligence, and authentic conversations. 

It’s all led me to Purple Closer - which I decided to create for two reasons. 

The first is to stay active, continue sharpening my skills, and help people with services and projects I believe in to close more deals. 

The second is to share my insights and experience to give you everything you need to take your business and life to the next level. 

There’s nothing easy about selling - and they definitely don’t teach you how to do it in school. 

Chances are your parents never did either. 

Like all the most important things in life - you have to learn on your own. 

And even then, there’s a lot of bad advice and most books aren’t much help. 

My hope is to be the resource to you that I wish I had when I was learning.

Because If there’s one thing I can promise you, it’s this:

Learning how to sell will change every area of your life.

Because when you know how to sell, you can write your own ticket and create any kind of life you want.


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