Personalized Sales coaching

Be Great At Sales

Learning how to sell will be one of the best investments you ever make and will benefit every area of your life. 

Most people struggle with sales because they view it as a tactic or technique, or are holding on to deeply held beliefs they’re unaware of. 

The belief that sales is a skill you’re either born with, or not.  The belief that it’s somehow inherently manipulative. The belief that you have to be smooth talking and extroverted while trying to close every person you speak with. None of these things are true but if you believe them on some level, you will struggle. 

That’s why my coaching focuses on sales as a way of life - as opposed to tactics. 

This is the mindset that will allow you to triple or quadruple your business faster than you ever thought possible, and communicate in a more powerful authentic way.

The right mindset and the right fundamentals make up the inner and outer game of sales. 

When the two of them are combined together there’s nothing you can’t do. 


In addition to addressing your specific sticking points that you may not even know you have, here are a few of the things we can help you with

  • Leveraging the power of great copy in your marketing
  • Restructuring your offer at a better price point
  • Creating recurring revenue
  • Pulling in clients from untapped sources
  • Reactivating clients from the past
  • Closing clients online, in person, and over the phone
  • Psychological frameworks for Overcoming objections and using human nature to your advantage
  • Mindset
  • Setting the right frame on sales calls
  • Cultivating consistent energy all day long
  • Where to find clients outside of your social circle
  • Honing and perfecting your offer
  • How to get referrals without being pushy
  • Overcoming limiting beliefs and mental blocks you aren’t even aware of
  • LinkedIn outreach techniques and scripts (if applicable)
  • How to structure your entire sales process from open to close
  • How to sell your results instead of your services
  • Daily routines and habits that will set you up for success

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